The avalanche index within APS is based on a logarithmic look-up table. The index is based on the reported number of avalanches and their size. When multiple observations are a available only the highest index is presented. However, all inidcies within a day are stored in the APS database.
In [2]:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
%matplotlib inline
import pylab as plt
import datetime
import numpy as np
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (14, 6)
In [3]:
# DestructiveSizeName
DestructiveSizeName = ['1 - Harmløst(sluff)',
'2 - Små',
'3 - Middels',
'4 - Store',
'5 - Svært store']
# EstimatedNumTID
EstimatedNumTID = {
'1':'Ett (1)',
'2':'Noen (2-5)',
'3':'Flere (6-10)',
'4':'Mange (10 eller mer)'
In [4]:
# Size factor
size_factor = 6.0
amount_factor = 3.0
# look-up table
LUT = np.array([[1.0, amount_factor, amount_factor**2, amount_factor**3],
[size_factor, size_factor*amount_factor, size_factor*amount_factor**2, size_factor*amount_factor**3],
[size_factor**2, size_factor**2 * amount_factor, size_factor**2 * amount_factor**2, size_factor**2 *amount_factor**3],
[size_factor**3, size_factor**3 * amount_factor, size_factor**3 * amount_factor**2, size_factor**3 * amount_factor**3],
[size_factor**4, size_factor**4 * amount_factor, size_factor**4 * amount_factor**2, size_factor**4 * amount_factor**3]])
In [5]:
size1 = {'1': LUT[0,0], '2': LUT[0,1], '3': LUT[0,2], '4': LUT[0,3]}
size2 = {'1': LUT[1,0], '2': LUT[1,1], '3': LUT[1,2], '4': LUT[1,3]}
size3 = {'1': LUT[2,0], '2': LUT[2,1], '3': LUT[2,2], '4': LUT[2,3]}
size4 = {'1': LUT[3,0], '2': LUT[3,1], '3': LUT[3,2], '4': LUT[3,3]}
size5 = {'1': LUT[4,0], '2': LUT[4,1], '3': LUT[4,2], '4': LUT[4,3]}
avalanche_index = {'1 - Harmløst(sluff)': size1,
'2 - Små': size2,
'3 - Middels': size3,
'4 - Store': size4,
'5 - Svært store': size5}
In [6]:
# Ragnars index
size1 = {'1': 3, '2': 5, '3': 7, '4': 8}
size2 = {'1': 4, '2': 9, '3': 12, '4': 13}
size3 = {'1': 6, '2': 11, '3': 16, '4': 17}
size4 = {'1': 10, '2': 15, '3': 19, '4': 20}
size5 = {'1': 14, '2': 18, '3': 21, '4': 22}
avalanche_index = {'1 - Harmløst(sluff)': size1,
'2 - Små': size2,
'3 - Middels': size3,
'4 - Store': size4,
'5 - Svært store': size5}
In [18]:
example_sizes = [['3 - Middels', '4 - Store', '3 - Middels'],['3 - Middels', '2 - Små'], ['1 - Harmløst(sluff)', '2 - Små'], ['3 - Middels']]
example_amount = [['2', '3', '2'], ['2', '4'], ['4', '3'], ['2']]
In [19]:
avalanche_index['2 - Små']['2']
In [20]:
result = []
all_val = []
days = []
i = 0
for s, n in zip(example_sizes, example_amount):
day_score = []
for si, ni in zip(s ,n):
day_score.append(avalanche_index[si][ni]) # calculate individual scores
print("{0} {1} = {2}".format(si, ni, day_score[-1]))
i += 1
In [21]:, height=result)
plt.scatter(days, all_val, c=all_val, vmin=0, vmax=22, s=np.array(all_val)**2,, zorder=10, alpha=0.3)
plt.axhline(100, linestyle='--', color='grey') # a value of 100 corresponds to considerable avalanche activity
TODO: Make an index for all observations of avalanche activity and a separate one regarding observerse with >=*** only.
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